Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Young generation favors hybrid cars

Young generation favors hybrid cars

A recent study released by Deloitte and a professor from MSU’s Eli Broad College of Business shows Generation Y prefers hybrid and electric cars to traditional gasoline-only vehicles.
The survey was given to 1,500 Generation Y, Generation X and Baby Boomer consumers in the U.S., 250 Gen Y consumers in China and 300 Gen Y consumers in Western Europe.
Of the Generation Y respondents — consumers between the ages of 19 and 31 years old — 59 percent prefer an electric vehicle over any other type of car or truck.
The hybrid was heavily favored over battery electric vehicles, and 57 percent of those who preferred electric vehicles would rather have a hybrid car, while 2 percent said they would prefer a battery electric vehicle.
The remaining 37 percent who responded to the survey said they preferred a traditional gasoline-only vehicle.
Comparative cultures and politics senior Brittany Griffin — who is a part of Generation Y — said although she does not know much about hybrid or electric cars, she would consider purchasing one because they might reduce the nation’s dependency on foreign fuel sources, and she would rather purchase an electric car than a hybrid car.
“Electric cars, if they’re used widespread, would put a lot of strain on the power grid, which isn’t necessarily equipped to handle it,” Griffin said.
“But other than that, they would be largely beneficial more than they would be costly.”
Technology manager for the College of Natural Science Matt Stehouwer owns a 2011 Chevy Volt. He said he thinks a lot of people are wary about purchasing hybrid or electric cars, often worrying the battery will run out or it will not drive the same as a regular car, but that is not the case.
“It’s just as much fun as driving a regular car,” Stehouwer said. “I’ve actually gone over 10,000 miles on electricity.” 

Young generation favors hybrid cars

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